Presents Happiness Sherpa Self Summit

Join us for a transformative journey towards present moment awareness and personal wellbeing. Our 6-week summit offers a unique blend of gratitude, TypeCoach techniques, and collaborative learning to guide you towards a happier, more fulfilling life. Brought to you by Grateful 4 Organization, this series of classes promises to be life-changing.

Week 1 July 11, 2024

Find YOUR Way

Speaker: Super Sherpa- TypeCoach Part 1 and Find YOUR Way with Merril Hoge

Week 2 JULY 18, 2024

Introduction to Present Moment Awareness and Permission Levels

Speaker: Super Sherpa- Type Coach Part 2 and Dr. LJ Rose

Week 3 July 25, 2024

Embrace playfulness to stay connected to creativity and joy, Find joy in combining passions

Speaker: Super Sherpa- Leo Herrera III, The Connected Golfer

Week 4 August 1, 2024

Gameifying Coaching and bringing Ease and Flow to the Fortune 500

Speaker: Super Sherpa – Michael Alexander and Positive Intelligence

Week 5 August 8, 2024

Oxygen Required/FISH! Be Here Now

Embrace the power of being present, Discover the depth of forgiveness.

Speaker: Super Sherpa- Natalie Baird-King

Week 6 August 15, 2024

Basecamp: Descent/FISH! + Choose + Play + Their Day + Here Now = Your Problem Solving Tools

Integrate lessons to uplift yourself and others, Apply problem-solving tools in daily life.

Speaker: Super Sherpa- Angelo Biasi Solvably

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